This post original ran on the (ISC)² blog on June 1, 2017:

Since 2013, (ISC)² has been a partner of Bugcrowd, running a public bug bounty program and offering CPE credits to our members. Bugcrowd is a leading provider of crowdsourced security and bug bounty programs, connecting organizations with more than 50,000 independent security researchers to identify vulnerabilities. As an (ISC)² member, you can participate in Bugcrowd’s bug bounty programs in exchange for CPE credits.

We encourage you to participate in this program to continue honing your security skills, and to apply those skills to help inspire a safe and secure cyber world.

To participate,

  1. Sign up as a Bugcrowd researcher at
  2. Find a bug in one of Bugcrowd’s bug bounty programs, including the (ISC)² Bug Bounty Program
  3. Earn up to 5 CPE credits for each valid bug found, depending on the severity of the vulnerability
  4. Enter your ISC2 # into your Bugcrowd Researcher profile settings, so that Bugcrowd can submit your contributions at the end of the month.

Members who participate in the program can earn as many as 15 CPE credits each year. As a security-centric organization, Bugcrowd values and encourages independent security research, even on their own products. Their bug bounty program helps them connect with the research community, and provides their organization with constant security feedback.

Keep your skills sharp and keep our site – and others – secure with the bug bounty program.

Learn more about the Bugcrowd and (ISC)² partnership