As access to AI technology becomes more widespread, organizations in every industry are adopting these cutting-edge technologies. However, as AI technology continues to be rapidly commercialized, new potential security vulnerabilities are quickly being surfaced. 

Organizations need to be testing their Large Language Model (LLM) applications and other AI systems to be sure they are free of common security vulnerabilities. To help with this effort, Bugcrowd is excited to announce the launch of AI Penetration Testing


A hacker’s perspective of pen testing for LLM apps and other AI systems

There’s no better way to understand the potential severity of vulnerabilities in AI systems than the ethical hackers who are testing these systems every day. Joseph Thacker, aka rez0, is a security researcher who specializes in application security and AI. We asked him to break down the current landscape of new vulnerabilities specific to AI. 

“Even security-conscious developers may not fully understand new vulnerabilities specific to AI, such as prompt injection, so doing security testing on AI features is extremely important. In my experience, many of these new AI applications, especially those developed by startups or small teams, have traditional vulnerabilities as well. They seem to lack mature security practice making pentesting crucial for identifying those bugs, not to mention the new AI-related vulnerabilities.

Naturally, smaller organizations will have less security emphasis, but even large enterprises are moving very quickly to ship AI products and features, leading to more vulnerabilities than they would typically have. Since AI applications handle sensitive data (user information and often chat history), as well as often making decisions that impact users, pentesting is necessary to maintain trust and protect user data.

Regular pentesting of AI applications helps organizations stay ahead as the field of AI security is still in its early stages and new vulnerabilities are likely to emerge,” rez0 said. 

To learn more about AI pen testing, check out the blog AI Deep Dive: Pen Testing.

What AI penetration testing includes

Bugcrowd AI Pen Tests help organizations uncover the most common application security flaws using a testing methodology based on our open-source Vulnerability Rating Taxonomy (VRT). 

All AI Pen Tests include:

  • Trusted, vetted pentesters with the relevant skills, experience, and track record needed for your specific requirements
  • 24/7 visibility into timelines, findings, and pentesting progress
  • A testing methodology based on the OWASP Top 10 for LLMs and more 
  • The ability to handle complex applications and features
  • Methodologies for both Standalone LLM and Outsourced applications
  • A detailed final report
  • Retesting (with one report update)


Get started with AI pen testing

With Bugcrowd AI Pen Tests, your organization can expect the same caliber and quality of testing that has made us an industry leader. Our CrowdMatch technology means you’ll be paired with pentesters with experience in testing AI applications, which is not a common skill among pentesters at other providers. 

Your organization can start your pen test in as little as 72 hours. Learn more and access a decade of vulnerability intelligence from the Bugcrowd Platform in every pen test engagement