We’re so excited to announce the winners for Bugcrowd’s October Challenge month! Thank you to the Crowd for all of your incredible submissions, tweets and messages about the #Bugcrowdchallenge.
We know some of you worked yourselves to the BONE but we hope it was fun, and maybe a little humerus? We had a skeleTON of subs to go through, but we’re delighted to announce which reports have us under their spell…
Without further ado, we present the winners of Bugcrowd’s October Challenge:
Week 1: Unresolved or Resolved P3 or Higher – Limited Edition Bugcrowd T-Shirt
akirboyun | Hassanjawaid |
ras-it | ranjan786 |
aneja007 | HemantSolo |
AnkitSingh | Hx01 |
Anon_Hunter | rhyselsmore |
INAKCF | SaadAhmed |
Bitmap | itsmeroy2012 |
sherlocksecure | BlackFan |
juaumvictor | SherlocksHat |
csanuragjain | kazan71p |
Sparta337 | danieloizo |
lopseg | starkeffect |
DDV_UA | mainteemoforfun |
ethicalbughunter | sunilyedla |
maschwenk | sw33tLie |
eur0pa | matt |
FareedThaimoor | theflofly |
mert | thisguyoverhere |
Gamer7112 | Mr_sharma_ |
gregaai | tikipro |
nigel | todayisnew |
grouptherapy | nomanAli181 |
HackAndPwn | visat |
osamaavvan | zeroauth |
hackerhumble | p3rr0 |
sam_exploit | cinzinga |
minhtuanact | BeastHunter |
OJA | 0ktavandi |
sonahri501 | ik8sqi |
Lekssik | erikdejong |
MorningStar | AhmedOzil10 |
nukedx | Loneranger5 |
juniorhero | r00t_d3str0y3r |
th0r | noob |
deanops | randrly |
madboy | yassineaboukir |
Ra881t | Avanish |
50 Private Users |
Week 2: Unresolved or Resolved P1 or P2 – Bugcrowd Hoodie
AnkitSingh | hateshape |
Anon_Hunter | Rhynorater |
Hx01 | SaadAhmed |
arthbajpai277 | Loneranger5 |
Shivankar | sam_exploit |
d0xing | matt |
danieloizo | mert |
theflofly | sonahri501 |
doppler | OJA |
erikdejong | panch0r3d |
eur0pa | todayisnew |
parzel | visat |
FareedThaimoor | Ra881t |
hackerhumble | waike |
rceman | zeroauth |
musashi42 | Avanish |
kira_ | WayCup |
Osirizzzzz | fogez |
rapt00r | K4r1it0 |
sw33tLie | YokoKho |
20 Private Users |
Week 3: Unique P1 – JBL Headphones
ajxchapman | h0nith12 |
doppler | sw33tLie |
hateshape | TADI |
ehsahid | orwagodfather |
haxor1337 | Splint3r7 |
kratos26 | Loneranger5 |
Shahzad_Sadiq | lpi |
W | 11 Private Users |
Week 4: 10 Best Impactful Report Write-Ups – Bugcrowd Keyboard
ajxchapman | MedMahmoudi |
W | sw33tLie |
HritikSH | mert |
4 Private Users |
October Challenge Qualifications:
- Week 1: First 100 Researchers with an Unresolved or Resolved P3 or Higher
- Week 2: First 50 Researchers with an Unresolved or Resolved P1 or P2
- Week 3: First 20 Researchers with Unique P1
- 10 Best Impactful Report Write-Ups (chosen by Bugcrowd)
- For this challenge, only paid, non-duplicate submissions qualified.
For more information about Bugcrowd’s current Incentive Programs, see our Researcher Documentation. We look forward to all the amazing work the Crowd will do in Q4!
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