We’re so excited to announce the winners for Bugcrowd’s October Challenge month! Thank you to the Crowd for all of your incredible submissions, tweets and messages about the #Bugcrowdchallenge. 

We know some of you worked yourselves to the BONE but we hope it was fun, and maybe a little humerus? We had a skeleTON of subs to go through, but we’re delighted to announce which reports have us under their spell…

Without further ado, we present the winners of Bugcrowd’s October Challenge:

Week 1: Unresolved or Resolved P3 or Higher – Limited Edition Bugcrowd T-Shirt 

akirboyun Hassanjawaid
ras-it ranjan786
aneja007 HemantSolo
AnkitSingh Hx01
Anon_Hunter rhyselsmore
INAKCF SaadAhmed
Bitmap itsmeroy2012
sherlocksecure BlackFan
juaumvictor SherlocksHat
csanuragjain kazan71p
Sparta337 danieloizo
lopseg starkeffect
DDV_UA mainteemoforfun
ethicalbughunter sunilyedla
maschwenk sw33tLie
eur0pa matt
FareedThaimoor theflofly
mert thisguyoverhere
Gamer7112 Mr_sharma_
gregaai tikipro
nigel todayisnew
grouptherapy nomanAli181
HackAndPwn visat
osamaavvan zeroauth
hackerhumble p3rr0
sam_exploit cinzinga
minhtuanact BeastHunter
OJA 0ktavandi
sonahri501 ik8sqi
Lekssik erikdejong
MorningStar AhmedOzil10
nukedx Loneranger5
juniorhero r00t_d3str0y3r
th0r noob
deanops randrly
madboy yassineaboukir
Ra881t Avanish
50 Private Users


Week 2: Unresolved or Resolved P1 or P2 – Bugcrowd Hoodie

AnkitSingh hateshape
Anon_Hunter Rhynorater
Hx01 SaadAhmed
arthbajpai277 Loneranger5
Shivankar sam_exploit
d0xing matt
danieloizo mert
theflofly sonahri501
doppler OJA
erikdejong panch0r3d
eur0pa todayisnew
parzel visat
FareedThaimoor Ra881t
hackerhumble waike
rceman zeroauth
musashi42 Avanish
kira_ WayCup
Osirizzzzz fogez
rapt00r K4r1it0
sw33tLie YokoKho
20 Private Users


Week 3: Unique P1 – JBL Headphones

ajxchapman h0nith12
doppler sw33tLie
hateshape TADI
ehsahid orwagodfather
haxor1337 Splint3r7
kratos26 Loneranger5
Shahzad_Sadiq lpi
W 11 Private Users


Week 4: 10 Best Impactful Report Write-Ups – Bugcrowd Keyboard


ajxchapman MedMahmoudi
W sw33tLie
HritikSH mert
4 Private Users

October Challenge Qualifications:

  • Week 1: First 100 Researchers with an Unresolved or Resolved P3 or Higher
  • Week 2: First 50 Researchers with an Unresolved or Resolved P1 or P2
  • Week 3: First 20 Researchers with Unique P1
  • 10 Best Impactful Report Write-Ups (chosen by Bugcrowd)
  • For this challenge, only paid, non-duplicate submissions qualified.

For more information about Bugcrowd’s current Incentive Programs, see our Researcher Documentation. We look forward to all the amazing work the Crowd will do in Q4!

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