Michael Jordan once said, “Champions are made, not born.” There exists many variants to this saying, by many different people The saying speaks to the fact that hard work, determination, and never giving up are the main ingredients for success. I am lucky to work with many champions at Bugcrowd. But the true champions are the tireless researchers that continue to deliver incredibly high-value efforts to our customers.
Up until now, Bugcrowd has represented some of these researcher champions through the researcher leaderboard. The leaderboard represents the monthly cumulation of points earned by researchers. These points are tied directly to the severity of the submissions the researchers submit. P1 submissions earn the most points, followed by P2’s, P3’s, and so on. Additionally, Bugcrowd provides cash rewards on a monthly basis to the top three researchers on the leaderboard.
We recognize that researchers have many different styles which result in very different quantities and severity of submissions. The spectrum is big, with some researchers only focusing on the high severity, hard to find bugs. Other researchers have created tools that can address huge-scale, wide-open scope programs. As a former customer, I certainly appreciated all types of researchers, each with their own unique approach. Lots of researchers equate to lots of variation in skills and approaches – and that ultimately ensures a successful bug bounty program.
Going forward we are updating our leaderboard display. Bugcrowd is proud to introduce two new leaderboards for researchers to compete. The two new leaderboards will display the monthly cumulative points of P1 & P2 submissions on paid programs and kudos-only programs respectively. These two new leaderboards will enable additional mechanisms for researchers to compare their skills and achievements with leaders in the crowd. Moreover, each leaderboard will have a monthly cash bonus of $2500 each that is up for grabs. The first place researcher in each leaderboard each month will earn a bonus payout of $1250USD while second and third will earn $750 and $500 respectively.
Here at Bugcrowd, we truly believe in the power and value of our researcher champions. In the coming months will introduce even more ways for researchers to compete and earn cash bonuses. To all the Bugcrowd researchers out there – I thank you!
Outhack Them AllTM